
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Episode 1 : detective story 01

Detective Miller had a routine like any other working man. He would get up early every morning, get dressed, and take the bus to work. Today, however, his routine was disrupted when he missed his usual bus. As a result, he was running late for work. Frustrated, Miller hailed a cab, and the driver took him to his workplace. As he entered the office, his boss greeted him with a stern look. "Late again, Miller?" he said. After a long day at work, Miller decided to go out for lunch to clear his head. He went to a nearby restaurant and ordered his usual meal. While he was eating, he overheard a conversation at the next table. Two men were talking about a heist that had happened the previous night. Miller's detective instincts immediately kicked in, and he listened carefully to every word they said. After lunch, Miller went back to work and spent the rest of the day going over the case files. He had a feeling that the two men he had overheard were connected to the case. Later that evening, Miller went to the address he had overheard at lunch. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman with salt-and-pepper curly hair. She seemed nervous, and Miller could tell that she was hiding something. After some questioning, the woman confessed that her husband was involved in the heist. Miller immediately called for backup and headed to the address the woman had given him. When they arrived, they found the stolen goods hidden in the laundry room. Miller carefully added the detergent to the washing machine, brought in the laundry, folded it, and ironed the shirts while waiting for the suspect to arrive. Finally, the suspect walked in, and Miller arrested him on the spot. As they drove back to the station, Miller couldn't help but think about how missing his usual bus had led him to this case. He knew that being a detective was all about being in the right place at the right time. And today, Miller was exactly where he needed to be.

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