Hi, Let's gain a foothold on the Island Muuido(舞衣島) on August 31.
- August 31 · 10:00 AM
Dear, ladies and gentlemen of MHT:
This may be the last time to enjoy the summer of 2013. We can meet Mr. Summer next year, though!^^Please feel free to join us to meet new friends from the all over the country for the last summer weekends.
• Where to meet : At Gyeyang station Exit1(Airport Railroad) not Gyesan station
• When we will meet : 10 am Sharply!
• Preparations : a towel, Sunscreen, 2 bottle of frozen water, a pair of sunglasses,
Packed lunch box, Swimming suits or pants
• Itinerary :
- 10:30 arrive at Yong-u station and go to the pier(2.4km by walk)
it takes 30 minutes by walk.(Jamjindo Pier 잠진도 선착장)
12:00 ~ 15:00 Hiking ~ Include of lunch time
15:30 ~ swimming at the Silmi beach
18:00 ~ Supper or snack
19:00 ~ Return to seoul
Costs : 3,000won(Ferry round trip fee)
If you want to have dinner together, bring extra money 8,000won
• Hiking course
< the second course>
Samgumi pier - the entrance of trail - Horyeong gok san - Gooksabong - Bongwoojae direction - Silmi - kunmori Pier( it takes 3 hours)
(소요시간 3시간)
Muui island, measuring 5.2 kilometres (3.2 mi) long and 4.5 kilometres (2.8 mi) wide.
The island's name "Muui" means "dancer's dress" in Korean. It is a beautiful spot popular with tourists, who like to visit the two main beaches of the island, Silmi Beach and Hanagae Beach. There are many shellfish in the shores of the island.Silmi Island is a smaller uninhabited island located off the NW shore of Muui Island.
Muuido is mentioned in Eugene Clark's Korean War narrative The Secrets of Incheon.
Gra Ham of Wales is the king of Muuido.
Once we got off the subway we were supposed to get on a bus. Easy enough, the bus stop was right in front of the subway exit. I
Muuido Island, fun times~!~just chillin~was talking to this really nice Taxi driver when all of a sudden a guy that was standing behind me started talking to me. He was really nice and told us what bus to get on and where to catch the ferry. Sweet~! So we were on the bus and at the ferry in no time. On to bus #2. There seemed to be quite a few foreigners that had the same beach bum idea as us so Kimberly, our new friend and myself waited for the second bus with them. Little did we know that they had already been on one bus and this was round two for them to get to the correct destination. Eventually the bus pulls into the airport. Our friend was up talking to the bus driver and a bunch of the other foreigners were like...hmm we've already been here, is this the right bus? So Kimberly and I looked at each other and weren't too sure what to do. Our new friend comes back and says that we should get off this bus and try to get a different one. Well, before we knew it he was off and by the time we went
Muuido Island, fun times~!~beach babes~to get off it was too late. So we were stuck. However, no one else had got off so we figured we were okay. The bus finally came to a narrow road and stopped. Everyone started getting off and I guess because it was high traffic the bus couldn't go through. So we started walking along with everyone else. We finally came to another ferry and had no where else to go but on and to the other side. Once there we hopped on another bus, bus #3....and after a short 15 minute ride were finally at a destination. Not too sure what destination but there was a beach and that is all that mattered. Later we found out it was Muuido Island. We rented a little hut for the night and decided to hit the beach pronto. After an exhausting 3 hour trip we were ready to hit the water. Thank goodness we got there when we did cause shortly after we went for a "Swim...aka wade" the tide was already starting to go out. By about 5:00 pm the sun was setting and most of the water was out as well. It was kinda nice though cause it
Muuido Island, fun times~!gave us a chance to walk around in the mud and visit some of the rocks and what not that were farther out.
We ate a wonderful dinner while watching the sun set and did a little venturing around before heading to the hut for some well deserved rest.
The hut was not the most comfortable sleep that I have ever had and needless to say we both woke up a little stiff and sore and ready for the second day adventure.
The tide was still low so we decided to hang out on the beach and relax before venturing off to some of the father rocks. Getting there in the low tide was the easy part but coming back proved to be a little more difficult. Kimberly broke her sandal and seeing as though the tide had already came back, we couldn't take the same squishy mud path back. So we toughed it out with the rocks and banacles and finally made it back to the main beach. Exhausted and sunburnt to the nines, we tried to give the beach one more shot. After about 5 minutes we had both had enough and headed to the showers for a
Muuido Island, fun times~!cool down. We soon were packed and ready to go.
It was a great weekend and I am hoping to get in a few more of those before the weather does cool down too much.
The past couple weeks have also been fun filled with......REPORT CARDS YAY~!!!
This is the second round but that means I only have two more times that I have to do them while I am here....yippeeeee~! Tomorrow is my official six month aniversary of being in Korea and I must say that is has gone by much too quickly! I am looking forward to my next adventures and seeing what my last six months here will bring me....
Love you all....
Trena xox
무의도여행의 장점은 바다도 가고 등산을 같이 할수 있읍니다
샘꾸미 선착장 - 마을입구 등산로 - 호룡곡산 - 구름다리 - 국사봉 - 애기봉 - 큰무리 선착장(소요시간 2시간 30분) < 제 2코스 > 샘꾸미 선착장 - 마을입구 등산로 - 호룡곡산 - 구름다리 - 국사봉 - 봉우재 방면 - 실미 - 큰무리 선착장(소요시간 3시간) < 제 3 코스> 샘꾸미 선착장 - 마을입구 등산로 - 호룡곡산 - 구름다리 - 마을경유(개안) - 샘꾸미 선착장(소요시간 2시간) [하산코스] 호룡곡산 정상 - 조망대 - 약수터 - 알프스(조망대) - 호랑바위 - 회주도로 - 하나개 해수욕장 ※ 호룡곡산 정상 - 마당바위 - 삼거리이정표(아구리방향) - 부처바위 - 삼거리이정표(능선방향,계곡방향) - 능선방향 정상조망대 - 쉼터 - 환상의 길 입구 - 조망대 - 수직절벽(조망대) -조망대(자연분재 서식지) - 하나개해수욕장 ※ 호룡곡산 정상 - 마당바위 - 삼거리이정표(능선방향,계곡방향) - 계곡 오솔길 - 환상의 길 입구 - 3번 코스와 동일 ※ 표시 두 개 코스는 호룡곡산 정상까지 오른 다음 다시 삼거리까지 내려와 가는 코스임
영화 '실미도'의 흥행 성공으로 빛을 보게 된 서해의 자그마한 섬 실미도. 북파 공작원이 양성되었다는 삭막한 현대사를 간직한 곳으로 세상에 알려졌지만, 이제 섬은 이곳을 찾는 사람들에게 여행의 즐거움을 선사해주고 있다. 인천 영종도에 신공항이 들어서면서 실미도는 훨씬 가까운 섬이 되었다. 영종대교를 타고 '용유, 무의' 이정표를 따라가다 보면 얼마 안 가 잠진도 선착장이 나온다. 이곳에서 배를 타고 약 10분만 가면 실미도의 모도라 할 수 있는 무의도에 도착한다. 때문에 하루 나들이 코스로 무의도, 실미도는 충분히 추천할 만하다. *무희의 옷처럼 아름다운 섬, 무의도 눈앞으로 실미도와 은빛 모래가 아름다운 해수욕장이 보이고, 날씨가 좋은 날에는 충남 태안반도와 강화도 마니산까지 눈에 들어온다. 낙조 시간에 맞추어 산에 오르면 한층 더 아름다운 비경을 감상할 수 있다. 길이 1.5km, 넓이 300m의 하나개 해수욕장과 2km에 달하는 모래사장이 펼쳐진 초승달 모양의 실미 해수욕장도 무의도 나들이를 즐겁게 해준다. 특히 하나개 해수욕장에는 SBS 드라마 '천국의 계단' 세트장이 설치되어 있어, 이곳을 찾는 사람들에게 색다른 볼거리를 제공한다. ■ 걸어서 들어가는 영화 '실미도' 촬영지 섬에 도착하자마자 반대편 해안가로 난 오솔길을 약 500m 걸어가면, 영화 '실미도'의 촬영지가 눈에 들어온다. 하지만 영화 세트는 이미 다 철거되어 그 흔적조차 남아 있지 않다. 아쉽지만 영화와 역사의 한 공간에 서 있다는 사실에 위안을 찾아야 할 것 같다. 실미도 관광을 짧게 마치고 돌아오는 길에는 '갯벌 체험'이 기다린다. 실미도와 무의도 사이의 길엔 소라와 바지락 등을 심심치 않게 볼 수 있다. 그것들을 직접 손으로 잡아볼 수 있다는 것도 실미도 여행이 주는 재미다. 단 갯벌에서 양식되는 굴은 채굴이 금지되어 있다는 점을 명심해야 한다.
1.자가용으로 가신다면
2.301번버스 종점이 을왕리해수욕장입니다(무의도입구하차)
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