
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Female Hiker - Episode01

A Female Hiker - Episode01

“Can you give us a blow–by–blow account of the meeting. Especially about her, of course."

“She is old enough to distinguish between right and wrong."

“Yeah. But she's just a total scumbag. Especially when she is zonked out on alcohol."

"The restaurant price quotes have always exceeded our expectations."

"Her business failures must have left her destitute."

"Since her divorce maybe."

“Vanity and pride are her two worst character defects."

"Her kind of personality invited mockery."

"When do you think she began to take advantage of me and all of us."

"Yeah. She took advantage of our generosity."

"I think she has an immense underground labyrinth in her mind."

"You are right. I always found it difficult to follow her elaborate plot."

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