
Monday, December 9, 2013

Let's meet up & admire the Hidden Rock Wall & the highest peak in the Mt. Bukhan

Let's meet up & admire the Hidden Rock Wall & the highest peak in the Mt. Bukhan

  • Needs a location
  • Price: $1.00/per person
  • Hidden Rocky Wall Ridgeline in the MT. Bukhan
    Meeting time & Location: 10 A.M
    Saturday, on  December 14, 2013
    (Inside)   Exit 2 Bulgwang Station Line 3 and 6 

    Trail: Hyojabi - Sakimak Riddeline - Hidden Rock Wall Ridge ~ Rocky Platform for view ~ Hidden Wall ~ the peak of Paekwundae ~ the gate of Bukhan SanSansung

    How long: about 5.5 hours 
    Pace: Slow
    Preparations: Lunch and
    Snacks , Rock-gripping shoes - Windproof Jacket , Water, a light rain jacket , camera. hiking poles(recommended)

    Contact me at :  010 2830 1386 
    Event Fee : $1.00/per person 
    Pace: Slow
    "If it rains or snows, this hiking course may be changed."

    The following hiking gear is absoultely required to carry in winter time.
    If you don't know where to buy?
     Send me an e-mail   about which shopping area is convenient for you.
    Otherwise, you may be able to get this safety gear  online...

    Event fees

    ▪Every member, with the exception of one event
    host, will be requested to pay a fee(a donation, $1 or 1,000 Won) for a Meetup

    If the participants are between 20 and 30, inclusive of
    the event host, one assistant organizer(or an organizer designated at every
    event) may be exempt from event fee requirements.

    If the participants are between 25 and 35, inclusive of the event host and the
    assistant(or designated) organizer, one more organizer may be exempt from event fee requirements.

    ▣ How to collect: offline , at an event venue
    ▣ How the money will be spent:

    Generally these fees are used to cover costs associated with the all the MTT Meetups.

    Costs might include:

    1) Organizer dues to run the MTT group,
    2) Event Planning Operating Expenses
    - Communication Expenses
    - Previous exploration


    4) First-Aid Kit (in order for every organizer to carry at every event)
    5) speaker fees
    6) door prizes,
    7) name cards (are available upon request of every MTT member )
    8) invited event host or organizer (guest organizer)
    If you have any questions about how Meetup event fees are to be used, please contact the Organizer directly. Simply click on the 'Contact' button beneath the Organizer's photo.

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