
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Let's meet up and trek in the Morning Valley Under Cultivation

Dear PTT members:
Let's meet up and trek in the Morning Valley Under Cultivation
Hot summer days are cooking your innards every day, aren't they? Before your internal furnace corrodes you from the inside, you need to find a way to soften it up from the outside. Here's an idea.
Let's walk in the MVUC
The start of this trail is at the Bangdom mineral spring. At the Bangdong spring, some of our MTT members may look at a roadside spring over which the local community had nailed a sign: THIS SPRING WATER IS EXCELLENT. Then others will hurry to the spring and begin noisily to drink, overhearing some members saying 'EXCELLENT WATER'.
This trail seems to appeal to adults as well as adolescents, plunging our MTT members into a world of fantasy. Standing on the rocky platform and looking down at the pools will make you feel like you're 12 again. Time just seems to stand still in the valley. We’ll spend most of our time exploring this valley. The grass is always greener, right?
We'll hike up along the pass on the top of the foothill and go downhill, and get to the valley. Then There are no definite mountain paths. When we get to the stream, the trail will go cold. Some members will plunge into the pool or stream. Others will try crossing the stream, measuring the shallowness of the water. We may suddenly see giant frogs rising from the stream below and popping their heads above the surface to observe us.
Are you looking forward to bettering your acquaintance with the old and new MTT friends? If yes, each and every member should be ready for a potluck party to be organized during this trekking. No one should ask me a question like "Is there any restaurant which delivers?” or "Is there a mom-and-pop store near here?". We are far away from civilization, out in the wild.
We should be ready to hit the trail by 10:00 A.M. Unforgettable. Those who have been to this valley will never forget it. Probably the huge crowd that gathers and walks in this valley may be a wonder to behold. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.
All participating members should follow the definite standards for dress code and preparation.
(Please ... to be continued)

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